Family Allowance

Satisfaction de la clientèle à l'égard du processus et des services reçus pour obtenir le supplément pour enfant handicapé nécessitant des soins exceptionnels – Rapport 2018

(Client satisfaction regarding the procedure and the services received to obtain the Supplement for Handicapped Children Requiring Exceptional Care – 2018 Report; French only)

The Supplement for Handicapped Children Requiring Exceptional Care is a measure for families who must assume exceptional responsibilities in administering special care or who must be constantly present with a child. The qualitative study was carried out with people who took steps to receive this additional financial assistance and whose application for the Supplement for Handicapped Children Requiring Exceptional Care was accepted or rejected. This survey measures client satisfaction regarding the process to register a child. The comments on the eligibility requirements are not provided in this report.

Last update: May 2021.

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