Portrait du marché de la retraite au Québec

(Study on the Québec retirement market; French only)

As part of the Plan stratégique 2020-2023 (2020-2023 Strategic plan; French only), Retraite Québec wishes to make it possible for Québec society to benefit from the organization's retirement expertise. This update of the Portrait du marché de la retraite au Québec (Study on the retirement market; French only) contributes to acquiring better financial knowledge about retirement for citizens.

This study is based on data as at 31 December 2018 (unless indicated otherwise) and information available in November 2020. Therefore, it does not take into account the exceptional situation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The document is divided into three sections. The first one describes the evolution of the retirement market in Québec and describes the three levels of the financial security system for retirement in effect in Québec. It also addresses the progressive implementation of voluntary retirement savings plans (VRSPs) and the enhancement of the Québec Pension Plan (QPP).

The second section is a global analysis of the data regarding retirement savings in Québec, as well as their evolution since the 1960s. This analysis focuses on the federal public Old Age Security (OAS) program, which includes the OAS pension, the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) and the Québec Pension Plan, as well as private pension plans available to employers and workers in order to provide them with an adequate retirement income.

The third section gives a summary of the coverage of Québec workers under a private pension plan. Since 2013, the focus has been on improving the access to group retirement plans under the Voluntary Retirement Savings Plans Act. Although approximate, this summary gives a good general idea of the coverage of workers with private retirement savings.

For everything you need to know...

Consult the study (French only)

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