MAG Retraite Québec June 2023 Issue

What are the most popular given names in Québec?

Retraite Québec recently unveiled its top given names in Québec in 2022. Emma and Noah are on top of the list for a second year in a row.

Among other highlights, note that given name Alice has dropped from 3rd to 6th place. The name Charlotte has risen from 7th to 3rd position. We also wish to point out that given names Romy and Zoé (in 9th and 10th position on the list in recent years) have been replaced respectively by the names Rose and Juliette.

Given name Louis also appears among the top 10 and therefore removed Félix from the ranking. Within 5 years, that name climbed up 17 ranks to go from 26th to 9th position! The name Édouard also rose in popularity in 2022. It went up 3 ranks and is now in 6th position.

Most popular given names for children between 2005 and 2022

Do you know the most popular names for children under age 18 in Québec?

William and Emma were, respectively, 11 times and 9 times on top of the list of given names between 1 January 2005 and 31 December 2022. Some names were also in the top 5 several times, including Léa, Thomas, Florence, Nathan and Alice. The name Léa was given more often than the name Emma to children in Québec during that period. However, Léa did not reach the top position of our list as many times.

To find out the most popular, rarest and most original given names, see the 2022 List of Baby Names. Take a look for inspiration or simply for fun. The list is produced from information received from Family Allowance, which is financial assistance from the Gouvernement du Québec that is important for families and administered by Retraite Québec. In 2022, the measure allowed $3 billion to be paid to 912 584 families in Québec.

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