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Security and Privacy Policy

Retraite Québec applies its Politique de confidentialité This link will open in a new window. (Privacy Policy; French only) and Politique sur la gestion de la sécurité de l'information, de l'accès à l'information et de la protection des renseignements personnels (SIAIPRP) This link will open in a new window. (Policy regarding information security, access to information and protection of personal information; French only.)

Retraite Québec protects the personal information that it receives from citizens, government departments and public agencies.

Retraite Québec implemented important rules and measures to ensure the protection of the information it possesses and to ensure that the privacy of the individuals concerned is respected. The main purpose of the document entitled Recueil de règles en matière de protection des renseignements personnels (Rulebook regarding the protection of personal information; French only) is to highlight the rules that apply throughout the life cycle of the personal information held by Retraite Québec.

For more information, visit the Access to information and Retraite Québec's Politique de confidentialité This link will open in a new window. (Privacy Policy; French only) page.

Our responsibilities in the protection of your personal information

We process electronic correspondence using the same privacy rules as paper correspondence.

We will never send confidential information by email. You can contact us by email for general enquiries only. If you have questions regarding your personal file, contact us by telephone.

You can leave certain online services without losing the information you entered and come back later to continue completing your application or simulation.

We will store your information in a secure manner on the service used for the period indicated. The next time you log in to the online service by identifying yourself, your information will be automatically shown on your screen. The information will only be entered in your file if you send your application.

Retraite Québec's site contains links to certain other agencies of the Gouvernement du Québec, the Government of Canada and a few other private agencies.

When you leave Retraite Québec's site, the exchange of information is no longer subject to Retraite Québec's Politique de confidentialité (Privacy policy; French only), but to the privacy policy of the site you are visiting. Retraite Québec is not responsible for the links suggested to facilitate your search and does not approve the content contained in a linked site.

You are also responsible for the protection of your personal information when using our services. This is a responsibility shared between you and Retraite Québec in an effort to thwart any attempted fraud.

A malicious person could call you and say he or she works for Retraite Québec or another recognized organization.

Should that occur, know that our staff will not end the call if you express doubt as to the legitimacy of the caller and will not insist that you provide them with personal information.

Are you doubting the authenticity of a call?

  • Ask the caller to provide his or her telephone number.
  • Consult the How to reach us section on our website.
  • Verify whether the number the caller gave you corresponds to a Retraite Québec number. Please note that the staff of Retraite Québec's client services may also try to contact you by telephone to follow up on a specific situation.
  • If the number is not a Retraite Québec number, call one of the telephone numbers in the How to reach us by telephone page on our website to verify whether the call originated from Retraite Québec.
Be careful! Scammers may use software or applications that falsify a company's name or telephone number.

Scammers try to extort personal information using false identities. They often pretend there is an emergency in an effort to provoke you to react quickly. They do not hesitate to use an official logo to add credibility to their scams.

Retraite Québec does not request personal information by email nor send text messages containing personal information.

If you receive a suspicious email or text message, especially asking you to provide personal information:

  • do not reply;
  • do not open any attachments;
  • do not click on any links;
  • delete it.

If you have any doubts about a communication we have sent you, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I waiting for a communication from Retraite Québec?
  • Does the situation seem too good to be true?
  • Do I owe amounts to Retraite Québec or to a program administered by Retraite Québec?
  • Am I being asked to provide information that Retraite Québec already has?
  • Have I already provided my email address to Retraite Québec? If not, how did this person obtain it?
  • Do I know with certainty the identity of the person requesting my personal information?

If, after answering these questions, you still consider the communication you have received to be questionable, we advise you not to follow up on it.

Some scammers are able to create a copy of our website, to which they will try to direct you through an email or text message.

If you have any doubts, you can enter the address of our official site yourself in your browser to avoid any such situation from occurring. You can also simply add the address to your favourites.

Also, be sure to check whether your connection to the site is secure and you can see the following in the address bar of your browser:

  • the protocol name https:// and not http://
  • a closed padlock .

  • Use a recent version of a web browser.
  • Install a recognized and up-to-date antivirus.
  • Do not connect to unknown or suspicious networks.
  • Do not install pirated software.
  • Do a complete reinstallation of your computer if a virus or any other malicious element has compromised its security.

Never leave your device unattended once you have signed in. Sign out from your session securely as soon as you have finished using the online service:

  • Click the Sign out button for the service used.
  • Close all the windows open in your browser.

  • Avoid using your telephone number to subscribe to suspicious sites.
  • Never send personal information such as your Social Insurance Number, date of birth or client number by email or text message.
  • Be sure your postal address is up to date with all government departments and agencies.
  • Never disclose your clicSÉQUR username as you are the sole person responsible for any misuse of your account.
  • Use different usernames and, more importantly, different passwords for each website.
    • Choose a secure password that is difficult to guess and different from those you use on other sites.
    • Change it regularly. Use words or characters that only you know and that do not appear in your social media accounts.
  • The more characters a password contains, the more secure it is.

Contact Retraite Québec quickly if:

  • you receive a suspicious communication;
  • an individual has pretended to be a Retraite Québec employee;
  • you suspect another individual is using or has used your clicSÉQUR ID.

By contacting us, you could avoid the fraudulent use of your identity.

It is also important to contact your municipal police service or the Sûreté du Québec to report any fraud, extortion or cybercrime.

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