2021 Benefit amounts and key data

The amount of the Family Allowance payments varies from one family to another. The calculation takes into account:

  • the number of dependent children under age 18 who live with you
  • the number of children in shared custody
  • the family situation (single-parent or two-parent)
  • the family income, that is, the combined income of both spouses, if applicable.
Maximum and minimum yearly amounts - 2021
Maximum amount2021 Amount
Each child$2547
Single-parent family +$893
Minimum amount2021 Amount
Each child$1013
Single-parent family+$356
Yearly amount for the purchase of school supplies - 2021
Supplement for the Purchase of School Supplies$105
Yearly amounts for a handicapped child - 2021
Supplement for Handicapped Children$2400
Supplement for Handicapped Children with Exceptional  Care 
Tier 1$12 096
Tier 2$8 052

Basic information on the Québec Pension Plan in 2021
Maximum Pensionable Earnings$61 600
Basic exemption$3500
Contribution rate
Base plan 10.80%
Additional plan 1.00%
Maximum contribution for workers and employers
Base plan (5.4%)$3137.40
Additional plan (0.5%)$290.50
Maximum contribution for self-employed workers
Base plan (10.80%) $6274.80
Additional plan (1.0%) $581.00
Indexation rate for benefits as
at 1 January 2021
Maximum amount for lump-sum
Death benefit$2500
Maximum monthly amounts See (note 1)
Retirement pension
Age 65 (100% of the maximum pension) $1208.26
Age 60 (64% of the maximum pension)$773.29
Age 70 (142% of the maximum pension)$1715.73
Disability benefits
Disability pension$1416.45
Additional amount for disability for retirement pension beneficiaries$510.82
Pension for a disabled person's child$81.78
Survivors' benefits
Orphan's pension$257.58
Surviving spouse's pension See (note 2)
Beneficiary under age 45. not disabled, without dependent children$578.42
Beneficiary under age 45, not disabled, with dependent children$921.89
Beneficiary under age 45, disabled, with or without dependent children$958.40
Beneficiary between ages 45 and 64$958.40
Beneficiary age 65 or over$714.78
  1. Note 1 Pensions are calculated by using the average maximum pensionable earnings for the last five years. The amounts paid under the additional plan are included in the maximum amounts shown. However, payment of those pensions will begin at the end of 2021 only, and will be retroactive.
  2. Note 2 Pension calculated with respect to contributors who were not receiving a retirement pension.

Key data for 2021
Rate of increase of the Pension Index
(This rate is used according to the indexation formula for each plan.)
Maximum pensionable earnings (MPE)$61 600
Basic exemption under the QPP$3500
Plan exemption (RREGOP, PPCT)$15 400See (Note 1)
Plan exemption (PPMP, RPSO)$21 560
Reduction factor (RREGOP, PPCT)0.0184
Contribution rate:
RREGOP and PPCT (USee (Note 2))10.33%
PPCT (NUSee (Note 3))9.33%
PPCJQ9% and 1% after 21.7 years
PPPOCS(QPSee (Note 4))10.77%See (Note 5)
Maximum pensionable salary:
PPCJBJ$216 371
PPCJQ$233 633
PPMNA$185 461
SPMSQ, PPEMO$162 278
PPPOCS$177 678
RPSO See (Note 7)$190 915
Interest rate (from 1 June 2021 to 31 May 2022) for the plan established based on rates of return:
Interest rate (from 1 June 2021 to 31 May 2022) administrative established based on an external rate0.53%
Maximum annual amount of a pension granting entitlement the payment of its actuarial value$1775 
RRSP contribution ceiling$27 830
Maximum pension adjustment (PA)$28 610
Maximum defined benefits$3245.56 
Buy-back ceiling for years prior to 1990$2163.70 
  1. Note 1 No contributions are payable if the salary is $21 560  or less (35% of the MPE).
  2. Note 2 U : unionized.
  3. Note 3 NU : non-unionized.
  4. Note 4 Person eligible for the PPPOCS whose employment is covered by the RREGOP or PPMP.
  5. Note 5 The member contribution must correspond to the lesser of: pensionable salary x 9%
    [pensionable salary – the lesser of (pensionable salary x 25%) OR (25% of the MPE x harmonized service)] x rate of contribution.
  6. Note 6 The maximum pensionable salary for years subject to a rate of 1.6% is $229 798.
  7. Note 7 The maximum pensionable salary used to limit the benefit for years subject to a rate of 2% is $162 278.

Data for 2021
LIF reference rate for 20216%
Maximum pensionable earnings (MPE) See Note 1 $61 600
Maximum temporary income (40% of MPE)$24 640
Maximum monthly temporary income under age 54$2053.33
  1. Note 1 Used to determine income or refunds.

Data for 2021
Maximum pensionable earnings (MPE) See Note 1 $61 600
  1. Note 1 Used to determine benefits or refunds.
Required fees per member or beneficiary
As of 31 December 2020$11 per member or beneficiary
The fee schedule lists the fees for the annual information return and to register or terminate a pension plan.  

Data for 2021

Default member contribution rate
(section 22 of the Regulation respecting voluntary retirement savings plans This link will open in a new window.)

4% of gross
Maximum pensionable earnings (MPE)See Note 1 $61 600
  1. Note 1 Used to determine refunds.
Required fees per member

Annual statement as at 31 December 2020
(section 11 of the Regulation respecting voluntary retirement savings plans This link will open in a new window.

$5.35 per member
Obligation of employers
By 31 December 2021

The employer must offer a VRSP or another plan allowed under the Voluntary Retirement Savings Plan Act if it has:

  • 5 or more eligible employees on 31 December 2020, and
  • 10 or more eligible employees on 30 June 2021.
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