Legislative amendments to the Government and Public Employees Retirement Plan (RREGOP)

Changes to your pension plan

The Act respecting the Government and Public Employees Retirement Plan (RREGOP) was amended after the Act respecting family law reform with regard to filiation and amending the Civil Code in relation to personality rights and civil status, S.Q. 2022, chapter 22 This link will open in a new window. was assented to on 8 June 2022.

Title of the Act and name of pension plan
Plan affected: RREGOP
Effective date: 8 June 2022

The title of the Act respecting the Government and Public Employees Retirement Plan is amended by replacing "des employés" in the French text by "du personnel employé".

The French legal name of Régime de retraite des employés du gouvernement et des organismes publics has been replaced by Régime de retraite du personnel employé du gouvernement et des organismes publics.

However, to ensure continuity, a provision allows to continue using the former references in any text or document, whatever the nature or medium.

Therefore, unless the context indicates otherwise, the former and new name of the plan are considered as equivalent. The same applies for the former and new name of the title of the corresponding Act.

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