
Issue of The PPMP at a Glance published in 2023

A newsletter for members and beneficiaries of the Pension Plan of Management Personnel (PPMP)

The PPMP at a Glance 2023

Issue of The PPMP at a Glance published in 2022

A newsletter for members and beneficiaries of the Pension Plan of Management Personnel (PPMP)

The PPMP at a Glance 2022

Issue of The PPMP at a Glance published in 2021

A newsletter for members and beneficiaries of the Pension Plan of Management Personnel (PPMP)

The PPMP at a Glance 2021

Issue of The PPMP at a Glance published in 2020

A newsletter for members and beneficiaries of the Pension Plan of Management Personnel (PPMP)

The PPMP at a Glance 2020

Issue of The PPMP at a Glance published in 2019

A newsletter for members and beneficiaries of the Pension Plan of Management Personnel (PPMP)

The PPMP at a Glance 2019

Issue of The PPMP at a Glance published in 2018

A newsletter for members and beneficiaries of the Pension Plan of Management Personnel (PPMP)

The PPMP at a Glance 2018

Issue of The PPMP at a Glance published in 2017

A newsletter for members and beneficiaries of the Pension Plan of Management Personnel (PPMP)

The PPMP at a Glance

PPMP at a Glance - April 2016

The PPMP at a Glance is intended for the members and pensionersof the Pension Plan of Management Personnel (PPMP).

Last update: April 2016.

All the essentials can be found in the new format: the return on investments of the members' fund, the dates that statements of participation will be mailed and all the latest news concerning your pension plan!

The PPMP at a Glance – April 2015

This newsletter explains the return on the members fund in 2014, the reasons why the PPMP contribution rate is higher than that of the RREGOP and the mailing of the 2015 Statement of Participation.

Last update: April 2015.

PPMP at a Glance takes an electronic turn! Take note that starting in 2016, the PPMP newsletter will no longer be printed. Indeed, from then on it will be distributed in electronic format only. If you have not done so already, subscribe to our mailing list so you don't miss anything.

The PPMP at a Glance – March 2014

This newsletter explains the new contribution rate, the results of the actuarial valuation, the fund performance, the evolution of the members and pensioners' profile and the mailing of the Statements of Participation in 2014.

Last update: March 2014.

The PPMP at a Glance – March 2013

This issue features the return on the members' fund for 2012, the investment policy, the legislative changes in L.Q. 2012, c. 6, the compensation for the contribution rate, the reduction percentage of the anticipated deferred pension which would be anticipated, and the member's statement.

Last update: March 2013.

The PPMP at a Glance – March 2012

In this issue: It addresses, among other subjects, the new contribution rate, the return on the members' fund for 2011, projects underway in relation to the proposed amendments to the PPMP, and the new member's annual statement.

Last update: March 2012.

The PPMP at a Glance – March 2011

In this issue: It addresses, among other subjects, the new contribution rate, the results of the actuarial valuation of the PPMP as at December 31, 2008 and the amendments to the plan.

Last update: March 2011.

The PPMP at a Glance – March 2010

In this issue: It addresses, among other subjects, the performance of the fund in 2009, the impact of the income tax rules on pension calculation and the modernization project in progress.

Last update: March 2010.

The PPMP at a Glance – April 2009

In this issue: Return on the Fund in 2008, Investment Policy, Funding Policy, Contribution Rate, Return to Work of a Pensioner, Documentation, Members of the Pension Committee

Last update: April 2009.

The PPMP at a Glance – January 2008

Contents: New Contribution Rate for the PPMP, How the PPMP is Funded, Results of the PPMP Actuarial Valuation, Main Reasons for the Results of the Actuarial Valuation, A Financially Sound Plan

Last update: October 2008.

The PPMP at a Glance – October 2007

Contents: Tabling of the PPMP Actuarial Valuation, New Governance, Client profiles, New Tools for Buying Back Years of Service

Last update: October 2008.

The PPMP at a Glance - April 2007

Contents: Positive results for the PPMP fund, Followup on our special file on the funding of the plan, New governance for CARRA, Appointments to the PPMP Retirement Committee, Pension indexation, Retirement income splitting

Last update: April 2007.

The PPMP at a Glance - October 2006

Contents: Special file – The funding of the PPMP, CARRA's Web site – A new tool for your retirement planning, Phased departure – To slowly prepare for retirement, Your pension plan – Assets that can also benefit your heirs, The PPMP at a Glance by e-mail

Last update: October 2006.

The PPMP at a Glance - May 2006

Contents: 14.4% Return in 2005, Investment earnings of 790 million dollars, The PPMP investment policy, The reason for investment diversification?, Less and less members proportionally to the number of pensioners, The impact of the PPMP's demographic profile, A new buy back estimator

Last update: May 2006.

The PPMP at a Glance - February 2006

Contents: A Newsletter Intended for the Members of the PPMP, The PPMP in a Nutshell..., Your Pension Fund, Our New Publications, CARRA and Pension Committees, Planning to Move?

Last update: February 2006.
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