Action Plan

Retraite Québec’s Plan d’action 2019

(Action plan for 2019; French only)

Each year, Retraite Québec prepares a plan that outlines the objectives that will contribute to achieving its Plan stratégique 2017‑2019. (2017-2019 Strategic plan; French only). Retraite Québec's objectives for the year, which are described in the Plan d'action 2019 (Action plan for 2019; French only), are directly related to its strategic objectives. The Action plan also specifies the means that will be put in place to achieve them. It is the yearly Action plan that establishes the current strategic planning.

Learn about the objectives in the Plan d'action 2019 This link will open in a new window. (Action plan for 2019; French only) or the plan summary This link will open in a new window. (French only).

Last update: January 2019.
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