
Are you satisfied with our programs and services?

Your comments, suggestions and complaints help us improve our services and the programs we administer. Do you have comments on our programs? Do you consider that we have not respected our commitments? Do not hesitate to talk about it with our employees.

The role of the Bureau des plaintes et de l'amélioration des services

If you are not satisfied with the steps taken with us, you can contact the team at the bureau. The team receives the complaints and comments and handles them with complete independence and confidentiality. The team at the bureau can make recommendations to improve our programs and services.

Before contacting the bureau

Take advantage of the recourses available to you.

If you are dissatisfied with our services, please first try to obtain an explanation or reach an agreement with our personnel. Our personnel are there to provide information and listen to you, including when you are making a complaint. They are committed to helping you.

If you are dissatisfied with a decision we have rendered, do not hesitate to use the legal recourses.

When to contact the bureau

You should contact the bureau if:

  • you are not satisfied with the steps taken with our personnel
  • you want the team at the bureau to be made aware of your comments, complaints or objections to the laws so that they can be brought to the attention of our management.

Note that denouncing fraud does not constitute a complaint. For this type of situation, please call Retraite Québec directly.

The team at the bureau is committed to providing you with a clear and complete response adapted to your situation.

How to reach the bureau

To reach the bureau, you must call Retraite Québec. The person who takes your call will forward your suggestion, comment or complain to the bureau. You can also contact the team at the bureau by email, fax or regular mail at the following address. Be sure to indicate your telephone number.

Bureau des plaintes et de l'amélioration des services
Retraite Québec
Case postale 5200
Québec (Québec)  G1K 7S9

The team at the bureau will reply to your complaint within a maximum of 25 days. If this deadline cannot be met, he or she will inform you.

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