
Statement of Benefits – Your Pension


Additional information on the exceptional indexation of part of the pension for 2024

Presentation of the Statement of Benefits

The Statement of Benefits called Your Pension, is intended for anyone who receive a pension. It provides detailed information about the calculation of the latest indexation of that pension and information on its evolution.

If you are under age 65, the statement will inform you of the time when your pension will be integrated with the Québec Pension Plan (QPP) and will provide you with the new amount of your pension following integration. To find out about the implications of integration, consult the leaflet Integration of your public-sector pension plan with the Québec Pension Plan (QPP).

With the precise information it contains about your pension, the statement contributes to your budget planning.

Availability of the Statement of Benefits

You can consult your Statement of Benefits – Your Pension 2024 in My Account. Access it now and choose the 100% digital option. You will not miss anything thanks to notifications, which you will receive as soon as a document is uploaded.

Example of the Statement of Benefits (RREGOP)

If you wish to view an example of this document, click on the button below. You can click on the terms in blue to obtain additional information.


Direct Deposit

If you did not choose this form of payment, you can do so at any time to take advantage of the many benefits it offers. Sign up for direct deposit to receive your payments in your bank account.

You can see the breakdown of the monthly payments of your pension under a public-sector pension plan in My Account.

Reference Documents

If you have questions about the integration and indexation of your pension, the following documents will be useful:

Enhancement of part of the pension of certain beneficiaries of RREGOP, the TPP, CSSP and PPCT

By 16 August 2024, every person covered by the enhancement of their pension will receive a letter by mail or a notification to consult My Account. Please note that the Your 2024 Pension statement will be updated and available in My Account.

The exceptional enhancement is added to the annual indexation of pensions carried out in January 2024. Therefore, it only applies for 2024. It is aimed at one part of the pension only, that is, the one that concerns years of service accrued from 1 July 1982 to 31 December 1999.

Why the enhancement?

The Government and Public Employees Retirement Plan (RREGOP) provides for an exceptional enhancement for the years of service between 1982 and 1999, if the surplus accrued under the plan reaches a determined level. A clause provides that the enhancement also applies to the Teachers Pension Plan (TPP), the Civil Service Superannuation Plan (CSSP) and the Pension Plan of Certain Teachers (PPCT).

Who is entitled to the enhancement?

To be entitled to the enhancement, the following two conditions must be met:

  • be a beneficiary under one of the plans concerned (RREGOP, TPP, CSSP or PPCT) on 31 December 2023;
  • having contributed to one of the plans between 1 July 1982 and 31 December 1999.

How is the enhancement calculated?

In 2024, the annual indexation for part of the pension concerned is 1.4%. Thanks to the exceptional enhancement of 0.8%, the total indexation for that part of the pension is 2.2% for the same year.

Part of the pension concernedAnnual indexation (January 2024)Exceptional indexation (August 2024)Total indexation for 2024
Years of service accrued from 1 July 1982 to 31 December 19991,4%0,8%2,2%

Due to the operation of our system, there may be a difference of a few cents between the amounts paid and the annual pension provided. The total amount of a pension could slightly be different from the one entered on the Your 2024 Pension statement

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