Planning tools and information sessions

Financial retirement planning tools

For individuals
SimulRA simplified tool that allows you to simulate your retirement income
CompuPensionA personalized tool that provides a complete picture of your financial situation in retirement and possible sources of income
(clicSÉQUR account required)
Guide to Financial Planning for Retirement
published by ÉducÉpargne This link will open in a new window.

A comprehensive, downloadable guide to financial planning

Flash Retirement capsules

52 capsules on financial planning for retirement

Statement of Participation under the Québec Pension Plan

A statement which shows your employment earnings and provides an estimate of the benefits you or your family could receive when you retire, when you die, or if you become disabled

Publications regarding the Québec Pension Plan (QPP)

Various documents on the QPP, retirement, disability, death, the breakdown of a union, laws and regulations, etc.
Conferences on financial planning for retirementConferences on financial planning for retirement presented as part of the Off the beaten path conference, in replay (French only)
Work income kept on retirement, offered by the Ministère des Finances This link will open in a new window.The calculator, proposed by the Ministère des Finances, estimates a retiree's share of available income, once taxation has been considered, before and after employment has been resumed

For members of public-sector pension plans (RREGOP, PPMP, etc.)

Buy-Back Cost Estimator


A tool that allows you to calculate the cost of a buy-back of service

Pension Estimator (RREGOP or RRPE)

A tool that allows you to calculate the amount of the retirement pension you could be entitled to when you retire

Statement of Participation in a public-sector pension plan (RREGOP, PPMP, etc.)

A statement describing your participation in a public-sector plan during the year covered by the statement and informing you of the benefits you will receive when you retire or stop working

Statement of Contributions to a public-sector-pension plan (RREGOP, PPMP, etc.)

A statement showing a complete history of your participation data under a public-sector plan

Publications regarding public-sector pension plans
(RREGOP, PPMP, etc.)

Various documents on public-sector pension plans, buy-backs, the breakdown of a union, retirement, laws and regulations, etc.

For members of a VRSP or LIF owners

LIF Quick Calc

A tool that allows you to calculate the amount of life income and temporary income you could draw from your life income fund (LIF) and to evaluate your best withdrawal option, based on your age

VRSP Calculator

A tool that allows you to calculate the savings you have accumulated in your voluntary retirement savings plan (VRSP)

Publications regarding supplemental pension plans (SPP), LIRAs and LIFs

Various documents on SPPs, the breakdown of a union, laws and regulations, etc.

Information sessions


Retraite Québec wishes to inform you that we are now offering online all our information sessions, including the Retirement Planning Information Session (RPIS). To sign up, follow the procedure shown on the Retraite Québec website. A member of our staff will contact you quickly to finalize your reservation.

For individuals

Information session regarding the Québec Pension Plan (QPP)
Presented by a Retraite Québec expert directly at your workplace

Information on the public retirement income security program, including the Québec Pension Plan and the Old Age Security program
For members of public-sector pension plans (RREGOP, PPMP, etc.)

Information session regarding public-sector pension plans (RREGOP, PPMP, etc.)
Presented by a Retraite Québec expert directly at your workplace

Information on the main provisions of public-sector pension plans and their advantages

Information session regarding the Québec Pension Plan (QPP) and public-sector pension plans (RREGOP, PPMP)

Presented by a Retraite Québec expert directly at your workplace

Information on the Québec Pension Plan and the main provisions of public-sector pension plans

Retirement Planning Information Session (RPIS)
  • Presented by experienced professionals
  • Offered across Québec with a flexible schedule or online
Useful and diverse information on public-sector pension plans, on the Québec Pension Plan and other sources of retirement income, as well as certain legal, psychosocial, financial and other aspects of retirement

A must for members of public-sector pension plans who plan to retire within the next five years.


For financial advisors and financial planners

Accredited training by the Institut de planification financière and recognized by the Chambre de la sécurité financière (French only) 

  • Québec Pension Plan (QPP)
  • Locked-in retirement accounts (LIRAs) and life income funds (LIFs)
  • Voluntary retirement savings plan (VRSP)
  • Public-sector retirement plans (RREGOP and PPMP)

Events and tradeshows

For everyone

Presence of Retraite Québec at public events  

Retraite Québec participates in various public events (tradeshows, seminars, conferences) in order to provide attendees with information on the Québec Pension Plan, supplemental pension plans and public-sector pension plans.
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