Sondage auprès des PME sur leur opinion et leurs connaissances à l'égard des régimes de retraite pour les employés (2010)

(Survey on the knowledge and opinions of small businesses with regard to pension plans for employees — 2010 survey; French only)

In its Plan stratégique 2006-2011 (Strategic Plan 2006-2011; French only), the Régie des rentes du Québec set 2 objectives pertaining to small businesses:

  • To determine the capacity of small businesses in Québec to implement a retirement savings instrument for employees, and the characteristics of the businesses that are capable of doing so.
  • To increase to 60% the proportion of small businesses that are aware of the various retirement savings instruments that are best adapted to their situation.

The survey allowed the Régie to update the results obtained during previous surveys of small businesses. There are 7 sections. The first contains a brief explanation of the survey's methodology. The others deal with the results in the following areas: how the implementation of the pension plans at small businesses has evolved; the characteristics of businesses that have and those that do not have a pension plan; the reasons why some do not offer a pension plan; knowledge of pension plans adapted to small businesses; the turnover rate of employees in the businesses surveyed and the opinion of small business managers regarding an eventual voluntary retirement savings plan implemented by the Gouvernement du Québec.

For everything you need to know...

Consult the study (French only)

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