
Portrait du marché de la retraite au Québec

(Study on the Québec retirement market; French only)

This study traces the history of public and private retirement programs in Québec since the 1960s. It describes the current situation and assesses the degree of worker coverage in order to find out whether it is sufficient to ensure their financial security during retirement.

Consult a summary of the study

Last update: April 2021.

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Groupes de discussion sur la compréhension de concepts liés à la retraite

(Discussion groups on the understanding of concepts related to retirement; French only)

This report gives the results obtained in discussion groups to evaluate the understanding that their participants had of certain concepts related to retirement.

Last update: April 2021.

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Évaluation du système québécois de sécurité financière à la retraite par rapport à celui d'autres pays industrialisés (2012)

(Evaluation of the Québec System of Financial Security at Retirement in Relation to that of other Industrialized Countries - 2012; French only)

This study compares Québec's financial security system for retirement with those in nine industrialized countries. It examines the structure of those systems, the demographic and economic environments in which they evolve, the well-being of the eldery, the costs involved and their funding.

Consult :

Last update: January 2012.
  • PDF - Évaluation du système québécois de sécurité financière à la retraite par rapport à celui d'autres pays industrialisés (2012) (evaluation-du-systeme-quebecois-de-securite-financiere-a-la-retraite-par-rapport-a-celui-autres-pays-industrialises-2012) download, 93 pages, 1,5 Mb This hyperlink leads to Web content that may contain barriers to accessibility.
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Constats et enjeux concernant le système de retraite québécois

(Facts and issues concerning Québec's retirement system; French only)

The document presents various facts and issues that concern participation in pension plans, their financing, risk-sharing within them and the factors that adversely affect the ability to build a retirement income that is adequate.

Consult a summary of the study

Last update: August 2010.

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La transition travail-retraite – Données de 1991 à 2007

(Work-retirement transition — Data for 1991 to 2007; French only)

This study offers a look at the circumstances surrounding the retirement of Quebeckers between 1991 and 2007.

Last update: April 2010.

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Évolution de la retraite anticipée – Données de 1992 à 2006

(Changes in early retirement – Data for 1992 to 2006; French only)

This study analyzes a range of early retirement data, with a specific focus on the early retirement rate (the number of people who retired between age 50 and 59). The remainder of the study addresses retirement income: people's employment earnings in the year following retirement, the income replacement rate and total income makeup 1 year and 5 years after retirement.

Consult a summary of the study

Last update: December 2009.

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Les revenus de retraite au Québec : Déterminants de la situation actuelle et projection jusqu'en 2035

(Retirement incomes in Québec: Key factors in the current situation and forecast up to 2035; French only)

This study first describes the Québec system of income security after retirement. It then gives a forecast of the participation in the various retirement programs up to 2035 and concludes with an evaluation of the risks facing our system of financial security after retirement.

Consult a summary of the study

Last update: September 2008.

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Income of the Retired Population in Québec

This study describes the financial characteristics of Quebeckers aged 65 and over, as well as those of retirees aged 55 to 64.

Consult a summary of the study

Last update: March 2006.
  • PDF - Income of the Retired Population in Québec (revenu-des-personnes-retraitees-au-quebec) download, 48 pages, 321 kB This hyperlink leads to Web content that may contain barriers to accessibility.
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Évaluation du système québécois de sécurité financière à la retraite par rapport à celui d'autres pays industrialisés (2004)

(Evaluation of the Québec System of Financial Security at Retirement in Relation to that of other Industrialized Countries - 2004; French only)

The study gives an in-depth analysis of various components of the Québec retirement system in comparison with the systems of other industrialized countries.

Consult a summary of the study

Last update: September 2004.

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